Mini magazines hit the streets

by Steve Watson in October 2009
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mini mags

Little White Lies has come up with a novel way of winning over a few new readers – they’ve printed up several thousand miniaturised copies of their current issue and they’re giving them away in shops and bars and other likely places around the UK.

They’re brilliantly put together, containing the magazine’s main long review (it runs over five pages and doesn’t seem to be cut), plus interviews taken from the current issue and nicely designed pages of testimonials that sing the praises of the magazine.

And the best bit is that with five pages of solid advertising out of the 36, the mini mags pay for themselves. Genius.

All Stack subscribers will be receiving a copy with their main pack this month, and I’ve got a few left over so if you’re not a subscriber but you’d like to see a copy drop me a line and I’ll put one in the post to you.

Oh, and they’re asking you to get involved with the next issue. Page 33 of the mini mag is left blank with just the Little White Lies masthead and you’re invited to draw your own Where the Wild Things Are cover, to be featured in the next issue. You don’t need the mini mag for that though as you can also enter online.

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