Printout! pictures
I’ve had lots of emails and tweets asking for pictures from last week’s Printout! event, and the boys from Lime Tree Media have kindly obliged with a few stills from the video they were shooting on the night. They’re editing the footage down at the moment and we’ll have something to show soon, but in the meantime these pictures give a decent idea of what went on.

The panel – from left to right: me, Rob Orchard (Delayed Gratification), Tim Hayward (Fire & Knives), John L Walters (Eye)

The Art of Eating turns ‘Really Good Goat Cheese’ into a typographic cover

The Ride Journal, Rouleur, Bonafide, Carson and CosplayGen sprawl across the table

The Book Club’s basement, packed with magazine fans

I can spot Grafik, Teller and Oh Comely here, but not sure what the red cover is – any ideas?
Thanks to Sasha from Meatpaper for clearing this one up – it’s the back page of her own lovely magazine.