Printout: New women’s magazines

by Stine Fantoft Berg in January 2016
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On Tuesday 26 January we’ll be back at The Bookclub in Shoreditch for the first Printout of 2016, and we’re turning our attention to women’s magazines. The last few years have seen a steady stream of titles reinventing the women’s magazine in their own ways; OOMK, Typical Girls, Bby, Girls Club

They’re very different magazines, but they share a common approach, making things up as they go along to create their own distinctive, cool, funny and inclusive type of feminism. We’ve invited three of our favourite magazines to present their work so far, so come along to hear from:

Bertie Brandes and Char Roberts of Mushpit, the cool, satirical and clever alternative to mainstream women’s magazines that launched in 2011 and has been rapidly evolving ever since.

Sadhbh O’Sullivan, Kitty Drake and Maddie Dunnigan from Ladybeard, a new feminist title that dedicates itself to in-depth exploration of topics misrepresented or underrepresented by the mainstream media. (Their first issue was themed around sex.)

Megan Conery and Molly Taylor from the new all-female literary zine Hotdog, which explores feminism through poetry, fiction, interviews and collage.

Tickets cost £6 – join us for a night of top quality women’s publishing.

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