Stack at the Guardian

by Steve Watson in December 2013
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Are you thinking of starting a new magazine in the new year? Or taking an existing title to the next level? Then you might like to come along to the next independent magazines masterclass we’re putting on at the Guardian.

It’s going to be a full weekend of independent publishing, running from 8-9 February at the Guardian’s King’s Place offices. We’ve done a few of these now, and they’re always really interesting, intensive, and most of all practical. The fact is that anyone running their own magazine comes up against all sorts of difficulties, and these weekends are an opportunity to find solutions before it’s too late.

As ever we’ve got an all-star line up of speakers:

Guy Andrews from Rouleur will be speaking about the importance of identifying and serving a niche.
Rosa Park from Cereal will talk about how to make an impact with a magazine.
Jeremy Leslie of magCulture fame will present his analysis of the independent magazine market.
Esra Gokgoz from creative agency Human After All will present her guide to digital strategy.
And I’ll be spilling the beans on the tricky subject of distribution.

The weekend is split into talks, workshops and group discussions, with a strong emphasis on the students themselves. From past experience we’ll be dealing with publishing projects at every level of development, from vague ideas to proofs to printed magazines, and the weekend is a great opportunity to learn from each other, sharpen up ideas and add direction.

Tickets are on sale now – I’m looking forward to meeting another wave of fresh magazine makers.

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