Flaneur goes oxymoronic

I like Flaneur a lot. I like it so much that for my 40th birthday my wife arranged for my cake to look like a cover of Flaneur. That was back in 2019, shortly after their Taipei issue had been released, and what nobody knew then is that it would be another four years until their next issue would finally hit the shelves.
Of course part of the delay is attributable to the pandemic – it’s difficult to make a magazine about wandering around a city when it’s illegal to leave your house for more than an hour per day. But putting lockdowns to one side, I think this latest issue was a particularly difficult one for them to make, and as I read the magazine I felt like there were places where the team alluded to that difficulty, both in explicit references and more implicit allusions.
Take a look at the video above for a brief but rambly flip through the magazine, and I hope you’ll see what I mean. And if you think it looks interesting, make sure you pick up a copy asap. Flaneur is one of those magazines that always sells out, and I’m sure this long-awaited issue will be disappearing from shelves soon.