Measuring obsession
Andreea Samoilā is the editor, designer and publisher of All Things Measured, the new magazine that’s obsessed with measurement. Virtually all independent publishing is constructed as niches within niches, and part of what I love about independent magazines is the way they can reveal the world in new and unexpected ways by shifting the reader’s perspective. But even in a field that’s renowned for its idiosyncrasies, All Things Measured stands out as a pretty unusual project.
As Andreea explains in the conversation above, she began with the realisation that while measurement is commonly thought of as standardised, objective and dispassionate, it’s actually really quite strange and messy, and a fascinating reflection on the different ways that humans through the ages have tried to understand their surroundings. The theme of the first issue is ‘Length’ and it’s absolutely packed with bizarre facts and observations, and I think you’ll hear how Andreea’s brain seems to function in the same way, with stories, thoughts and concepts spilling forth as we talk.
All Things Measured is an eccentric and obsessive magazine, and I hope you’ll enjoy hearing Andreea talking about her passion for measurement. And if you’d like to hear more conversations with independent publishers, take a look in our podcast archive, or even better follow us wherever you get your podcasts and we’ll be able to deliver our new episodes to you as soon as they’re ready.