Stack goes to France
We were in France last week for Temple Arles, the first annual book fair from curator duo Anna Planas and Pierre Hourquet. Run as part of the Arles photography festival, it was all set in an (unbelievably hot) schoolyard in the shadow of the bull fighting ring in the old town. There were around 60 publishers selling their books, magazines and zines under blue awnings in the courtyard. Everyone was issued with a chic Arles-monogrammed fan, but it was too hot to really wave it about much.
We gave a presentation on Saturday about post-human aesthetics in magazines, as part of the programme of talks going on at the fair. There was also a series of exhibitions, including one fabulously meta one by Archivio, which included a series of emails from the editors to Anna and Pierre, chaotically organising said exhibition. And Der Greif held a launch party for their latest issue early in the week — Stack subscribers will know there’s a bit of controversy surrounding the images in that latest issue. Plus we set up our stall, so one corner of Arles became a little magazine oasis.

Below is a selection of some of our favourite print on show at the fair — mostly it’s quite rude.

Another big highlight was this juicy little flick-book of Instagrammable food. We’ll be releasing a podcast from Arles with more picks, so watch this space.

Photography by Jonathan LLense