Five reasons to love this magazine about hating people
From inconsequential irritations to downright evil, Terrible People magazine is here to “wonder why people do stupid things”. The tongue-in-cheek publication, which is ironically drenched in sunshine-y yellow, was published out of London College of Communication and sent to us as an entry for the Stack Awards.
It is a hilarious and revealing examination of the unique quirks belonging to individuals of different cultures, ethnicities and habits. We love their irreverent attitude and playful design, and here are the top five details that show you what we mean…

1. A “How to” guide on being terrible
Speaking too closely, ignoring recycling labels, and eating loudly are some steps readers take to becoming an A-class terrible person.

2. Our cultural differences
This section explains the roots of different cultural habits, like the Japanese way of giving equivocal answers — though it can come off as flaky or confusing, it originates in politeness and an aversion of the word ‘no’.

3. Unrecommendations
Like the recommendations chapter of conventional magazines, this bit offers reviews of films you should stay away from (La La Land), food to avoid (avocados), and clothes not to wear (dungaree dresses — “The capitalist fetishisation of youth has gone too far.”)

4. Horrible people rule the world
This insert laments the rise of nationalism across Europe and the United States, breaking down the different political parties that have gained following in the recent years from delivering populist rhetoric.

The careless, selfish things we’re all prone to from time to time…

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