Works That Work joins Stack

by Steve Watson in September 2014
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Art & design

Following on from last week’s announcement that Hello Mr is swelling the Stack ranks, I’m very pleased to announce that Works That Work is also joining up.

“A magazine of unexpected creativity”, Works That Work takes a fresh look at modern design to present some of the world’s most ingenious but under-appreciated creations. And it practices what it preaches too – dissatisfied with the systems that magazine publishing is built upon, Works That Work has designed its own innovative methods of distribution, advertising sales and even editorial workflow.

A genuinely groundbreaking experiment, Works That Work is unlike any other magazine on the shelf. As Peter Bilak, the magazine’s designer and publisher says in his Stack interview, “Instead of complaining about other magazines, I started a new one”.

I’m very pleased that Stack can help it reach even more readers, and I’m really looking forward to hearing what subscribers think of it when we send it out.

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