How to make an independent magazine
Every time we hold a Stack Live event, we know what the questions are going to be. The theme of the evening doesn’t matter – we could have been speaking about music magazines, football, or the changing face of beauty; when we open up to questions from the audience, the first hands up will be from people wanting to know how the magazines are funded; how do the magazines get into shops; or some other technical detail about the realities of independent publishing.
So for this first Stack Live event of 2019 we’re dedicating an entire evening to those questions, with a long look at how you actually take a magazine from a loose set of ideas to a real thing sitting on the shelf. This one should be ideal for anyone who’s planning on making a magazine, and also for anyone who’s already making one, and struggling to get their head around a particular problem.
We’ll set the evening up by covering the main areas of commissioning, production, distribution and finance, then we’ll open up to questions from the audience, so you can make sure you bring up your own personal bugbears.
Buy your £6 ticket to join us on Tuesday 22 January and hear from:
Caspian Whistler creative director and editor-in-chief of A Profound Waste of Time
Elisabeth Krohn editor of Sabat, editorial advisor of Suspira, and co-founder of Dreadful Press
Helen Jennings editorial director, Nataal
How to make a magazine
Tuesday 22 January, 6.30pm
The Book Club, London