Stack at home: Dispatches, July 2021

by Stack editorial in July 2021
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Current affairs

Dispatches is a big magazine — the first large-format title we’ve delivered since Good Trouble went out in August 2018 — and, with this one, size really does matter. It feels like a broadsheet, but whereas a newspaper fills its pages with lots of different smaller stories, the design approach here tends to go one at a time, giving its writers acres of space in which they can express their ideas. Dispatches is based in Berkeley, the first campus of the University of California, and the city’s academic influences run through the publication. This issue is themed ‘Fate of the City’, and its writers take turns attempting to puzzle out what is the role of the city today, and how it might change in the future.

Stack subscribers liked the large-scale and eclectic presentation as much as we do. Scroll down to see the best photographs we got sent of people enjoying July’s delivery. Right at the bottom, you’ll find the winner of our monthly photography competition.

5. Beer + magazines = summer

This shot, of Dispatches and a beer, is a mood board for summer.

4. Friday in the sunshine

We like this shot of Dispatches, being enjoyed at a sunny table.

3. Kickstart the brain

More coffee-love for Dispatches from Stack subscriber Elysha Page, who has an enviable morning routine going.

2. Unwrapping

We love this Instagram story of Dispatches being unfolded in all its glory.

1. Park life

Another sunny reading scene from Stack subscriber Jaume, taken on reclaimed land in Battersea Park. Stack t-shirt on its way to you!


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