Stack Awards 2018: Editor of the Year shortlist

by Grace Wang in October 2018
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This category of the Stack Awards looks for the editor who has led their magazine to success with a clear and original editorial vision. Casting their eyes over the 15 titles below will be Christoph Amend, editor-in-chief of ZEITmagazin, and Tom Edwards, executive producer of Monocle 24 radio.

Anxy | Berkeley

Exploring our ‘inner worlds’, Anxy looks at anxiety, fear, anger, depression, trauma, shame and all those other wildcards that get lumped into the catch-all term mental health. Through open conversations and honest reflections, they bring together a wide range of perspectives that assure readers they’re not on their own.

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Hello Monday, we've got issues…three to be exact: Anger, Workaholism and Boundaries Issues. You can browse them all on, link in bio. : @gudbergnerger (if you're in Germany, they have Issue 1 in stock, which is soon to be sold out completely!) _________________________________ #mentalhealth #magazine #magazinecover #issues #angerissues #workaholics #boundariesarehealthy #selfcare #mondayfeels #indiemagazine #perspectives

A post shared by Anxy (@anxymag) on Aug 13, 2018 at 10:18am PDT

Beauty Papers | London

Despite its name, Beauty Papers doesn’t offer tips on contouring or where to get the best retinol. Instead, they collaborate with makeup artists, hairstylists, fashion photographers, and other industry virtuosos to present wildly free interpretations on beauty.

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BEAUTY PAPERS ISSUE SIX BIG OUT NOW! Bruce Gilden the legendary Magnum photographer captures beauty in the Big Apple for the September issue. We walked 51,812 steps. ‘Keeping up with Bruce’ @bruce_gilden @magnumphotos #BIG #brucegilden #beautypapers #newyork #bigapple Thank you @magnumphotos #magnumphotos

A post shared by Beauty Papers (@beautypapersmag) on Sep 17, 2018 at 9:06am PDT

Eye | London

Eye magazine is a quarterly journal dedicated to graphic design, featuring critical, informed writing on visual culture. From fellow magazine makers to veteran art directors, they speak to people creating fresh, original work to provide insight into the publishing industry and beyond.

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#Eye96 #EyeSight Jason Ford’s commissioned illustrations for Eye 96 have inspired us to launch another ‘EyeSight’ competition on social media, for a chance to win a year’s subscription to Eye. (We last did this for Eye 85, when Richard Marston was the winner.) A few people have already taken their own versions of the cover picture, of a reader being drawn into a magazine, but this time we would like to broaden out the ‘EyeSight’ challenge. We invite you to recreate any of the pictures from ‘Anatomy of a magazine’ and post the result on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook with the hashtags #Eye96 and #EyeSight. Be seeing you!

A post shared by Eye magazine (@eyemagazine_) on Jun 19, 2018 at 7:55am PDT

Eye on Design | New York

Published by AIGA, Eye on Design focuses on exciting and innovative design. This second issue is themed Psych, and packs in stories of psychedelic design, optical illusions, DayGlo ink and shimmering paper stocks.

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Get excited—our new magazine is here. Announcing Eye on Design #02, the “Psych issue,” complete with a healthy dose of trickery and illusion. Designed by @shira_no_filter. Available now to order.⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #graphicdesign #typography #magazinedesign #color #designstudio #eyeondesign

A post shared by AIGA Eye on Design (@aigaeyeondesign) on Aug 21, 2018 at 5:10am PDT

Harvard Design Magazine | Cambridge, MA

Published by the Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Harvard Design Magazine provides a platform for some of that institution’s big brains to consider the world we live in.

Kajet | Bucharest

Combining perspectives from Eastern Europe with superb design, Kajet provides thought-provoking reading that touches on subjects like the flaws of Western ideals and the downfalls of neoliberalism.

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We at KAJET Journal reject the upcoming Romanian referendum on making same-sex marriages unconstitutional as shameful and disingenuous, based on hate, fanaticism, and political opportunism. #boicot

A post shared by KAJET Journal (@kajetjournal) on Sep 19, 2018 at 11:26pm PDT

Kinfolk | Copenhagen

Delving deeply into home, work, style and culture, Kinfolk connects a global community of creative professionals.

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Issue Twenty-Nine is here! Join us later this week in Paris for the opening of The Print Shop—a four-day installation celebrating the theme of the new fall issue: the power of print. 18 Rue Dussoubs, September 6, 6-9pm. (Cover Photography: @pellecrepin, Photo: @christianmandersen)

A post shared by Kinfolk Magazine (@kinfolk) on Sep 3, 2018 at 6:00am PDT

Kitchen Toke | Chicago

Kitchen Toke is a food magazine focused on exploring and understanding cannabis for recreational and medicinal use. The magazine covers cooking and entertaining with cannabis, along with the chefs and individuals advancing marijuana in food and health.

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It’s here! It’s here! It’s here! We’re so happy! Orders are shipping. : Thankful to the entire team for helping us make this possible! #cookingwithcannabis #kitchentoke #420 #healthyfood #cannabis #cannabisculture #pot #health #recreational #weed #medicinalmarijuana #healthandwellness #cbd #thc #mom #momlife #microdose #destress #relax #mindful #body #goodforyou #healthbenefits #cure #heal #consume #spring #coachella

A post shared by kitchentoke (@kitchentoke) on Apr 7, 2018 at 1:41pm PDT

Ladybeard | London

Ladybeard takes the form and format of women’s glossies and revolutionises the content. Mainstream media has created a culture of self-hate, confining gender, sexuality, dress-size, pigmentation, imagination and aspiration, and Ladybeard is an attempt at liberation.

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A post shared by Ladybeard Magazine (@ladybeardmag) on Jun 1, 2018 at 10:18am PDT

Migrant Journal | London

A six-issue exploration of migration, Migrant Journal delves into the circulation of people, goods, information, flora and fauna. Speaking to journalists, academics, designers, architects, philosophers, activists and citizens, they want to rethink our approach to migration and critically examine the new change it creates.

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No. 4 released Get it on

A post shared by Migrant Journal (@migrant_journal) on Jun 8, 2018 at 1:59am PDT

Off the Block | London

A community-driven title, Off the Block is a magazine made by young Londoners. Issue one pays tribute to Grenfell, exploring the subsequent reactions to the tragedy while celebrating the diversity, boldness and creativity of London.

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Off The Block Issue 1: London // Grenfell is available to purchase now! All profits go to those affected by the Grenfell Fire. Get your copy from the link in our bio. Cover shot by @finn_constantine.

A post shared by Off The Block Magazine (@offtheblockmagazine) on May 2, 2018 at 3:57am PDT

Perfect Strangers | San Francisco

Perfect Strangers explores the cross-cultural. From artists to entrepreneurs, grandparents to lovers, they profile people who help to connect the world, looking at how cultures and languages, habits and ideas, styles and foods intertwine and transform one another.

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Thrilled to receive another shipment of Issue One from our printer! There’s nothing quite like the look & feel of a pile of freshly printed magazines, is there?✨ Thanks to the brilliant @humanafterallstudio and @em.o.gram for helping to make our first issue a reality. And to Mariana Duarte Silva and Lucy Crook for gracing the cover… but that’s a story for another post Pick up a copy via our website (link in bio)↑

A post shared by Perfect Strangers (@perfectstrangersmag) on Aug 13, 2018 at 9:08pm PDT

Positive News | London

Through constructive journalism and quality, independent writing, Positive News brings stories that highlight progress to look at what’s going right in the world.

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Have you spotted the new issue of Positive News magazine in WHSmiths? There are four different front covers for the Jul-Sep issue. Repost from @discoverments – thanks for sharing your new find, Carys . . #magazine #magazinecover #goodjournalismaboutgoodthings #positivenews #positivenewsuk #print #independentmagazine #whsmith

A post shared by Positive News (@positivenewsuk) on Jul 21, 2018 at 4:05am PDT

Rugby | London

From grassroots rugby up to the elite, Rugby uncovers the sport’s untold stories.

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Have you got the first three issues of Rugby? You can order back issues of 1&2, and subscribe now to get issue 3 and a free Lions mini ball. Limited stocks on all three so head to now #rugby #words #pictures

A post shared by rugby (@therugbyjournal) on Jul 28, 2018 at 3:35am PDT

The Skirt Chronicles | Paris

Organised chronologically, the content of The Skirt Chronicles is determined by the date of completion. A collaborative project between three women, this is a title covering literature, fashion, politics and beyond.

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June 9th 2018 Three is a magic number! Volume III is there and launching soon Deliveries are on their way!

A post shared by The Skirt Chronicles (@theskirtchronicles) on Jun 8, 2018 at 6:19am PDT

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