B East announces June issue

by Steve Watson in December 2008
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I met B East publisher Vijai Maheshwari for the first time a couple of weeks ago and was pleased to hear that he’s got a June issue in the pipeline. B East is one of the most exciting magazines I’ve seen in a long time – a brilliantly sleazy read that gives an authentic voice to the arts and culture emerging from Eastern Europe. Vijai has been focusing on the B East website for the last couple of months and he’s even got ideas for a B East book later next year – an anthology of the magazine’s first four years. But he’s determined to put a magazine out for the summer, and spoke about making it the ‘Londonski’ issue, focusing on the Eastern European talent that has found its way over to London in the last few years. Expect tales of Soviet misadventure, beautiful women and a particularly debauched launch party – a recent B East gig in Riga apparently lasted three days and nights and only came to an end when the police arrived to shut it down. Vijai might struggle to find a London venue open to that sort of excess, but based on the state of my hangover after just one evening with him, that’s probably a good thing.

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