Kids with Puns

by Steve Watson in August 2013
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Kids With Puns

I wrote a while ago about the weekend magazine masterclass I helped to organise at the Guardian last year. We’re doing it again this year from 14-15 September with some fantastic speakers involved – tickets are on sale now.

The point of my last post was that lots of magazines and zines (and one book) came out of the weekend, and it’s brilliant to see so many interesting projects moving from the realm of ideas to real actual paper on the shelf. So I was very pleased to hear from Tom Dunn this week. Another of the weekend’s alumni, his Kids With Puns zine has also made the transition to reality.

Kids With Puns

He had the name when he came to the masterclass (and it is a great name) but wasn’t entirely sure what to do with it. I think the results are great, and even better, Kids With Puns wants you to get involved too. Got an amazing pun you just need to share with the world? Head over to the site and submit it to the blog, and it could well make it into issue two.

Kids With Puns

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