Sampler: Satori #2

by Grace Wang in January 2018
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By now you’re probably heading steadily into the new year, fingers ready to whack-a-mole notifications, the feeling of holiday languidness far forgotten. But the first Sampler of 2018 is a reminder that magazines can provide us with an important, offline escape.

Satori was born out of the editors’ personal experiences with anxiety and depression, and wants to showcase writing that can accompany readers when they’re in a despondent state — when we rely on the power of words to help us change the way we see things. Watch our video review of their previous issue to get a sense of the real thing, and if you like what you see, head over to Sampler and order a copy of the current issue for free shipping.

In this issue:

— A physician explores the peace of not knowing
— Seven writers ruminate on “When you see death, things change” 
— A photographer/writer departs on an important trip after learning his father has cancer
— Aesthetics and the therapeutic potential of our senses
— An ode to a grandfather, who was a farmer in Egypt’s Nile Delta
— And wrathful deities and near death experiences

satori-magazine-father-issue-2 satori-magazine-issue-2-river satori-magazine-issue-2-sands satori-magazine-issue-2-still-life

Sampler gets you magazines at 10% off and free shipping to the US, UK and Europe, and subsidised shipping everywhere else. But we have limited copies available, so don’t sleep on this.

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