Pick up a free Stack mug

by Steve Watson in May 2011
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A couple of months ago a subscriber recommended Stack to a friend. The friend took out a subscription and was happy with the magazines they received, so they sent me an email to say thanks, and to ask whether their recommender might be entitled to a free Stack gift. Like a mug, for example.

The answer was no, but since then I’ve been quietly obsessed by the idea of making Stack mugs. Last week I finally got around to placing the order, and I’m pretty delighted with the result.

So, I now have a proper way of saying thank you to people who spread the word about Stack. If you’re a Stack subscriber and you persuade a friend to sign up to a year’s subscription, drop me an email to info[at]stackmagazines.com and I’ll pop a free mug in the post to you. Likewise, if you buy Stack as a gift for somebody else, I’ll put a mug in the post to you (remember to use the Gift option on the subscription page).

I’ll only be able to send the mugs out while stocks last, so if you’ve been thinking about buying or recommending Stack for a while, now’s the time to do it!

Oh, and if you’re the person who originally asked for a mug, drop me a line. I’ll only be sending mugs out for subscriptions received from today onwards, but it’s only fair that I should make an exception for the one who came up with the idea!

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