New stories about old clothes

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by Steve Watson in February 2025
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Fashion & style

Ellen Freeman is the editor of Mildew, the secondhand fashion magazine that’s based in Mexico, and which reflects on a whole world of vintage, recycled, and upcycled fashion and art. We delivered the second issue to Stack subscribers in November 2023, and the third issue came out at the end of last year, so I caught up with Ellen recently to find out what’s happened in a year’s worth of independent publishing.

It turns out there have been some big changes behind the scenes, mainly relating to Broccoli, the magazine that Ellen used to work on with editor-in-chief and creative director Anja Charbonneau. You may have seen the news that Anja decided to stop publishing Broccoli so that she has more time and resources to work on other projects, and as Ellen reveals during this conversation, Mildew has now officially become one of those projects, operating as part of the Broccoli empire. (A new Broccoli Substack launched a few days ago, and you should definitely follow that for upcoming news, as well as more general, inspiring stuff about the power of print and publishing.)

It’s always lovely catching up with Ellen, so I hope you’ll enjoy this conversation about secondhand fashion, circular economies, independent publishing, and the making of Mildew. And remember that if you want to hear more like this, follow us wherever you get your podcasts and we’ll be able to deliver all our new episodes to you as soon as they’re ready.


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