Novella’s collaged, personal approach to fashion

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by Steve Watson in April 2021
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Craft & making Fashion & style

Abigail Buzbee and Ryan Hunt are editor and art director of Novella, a fashion magazine that takes an experimental, literary approach to its subject. In this conversation they explain why they were so excited to play with the conventions of the fashion magazine, and how, when they started work on the project, they actually didn’t intend to make a magazine at all. I think that’s one of the things that makes Novella so special – there’s a handmade, collaged approach to it that stands out as not at all magazine-y and carries a lovely feel of bookish craftsmanship.

We have a few copies of Novella’s first issue left in the Stack shop, so head over there if you want to pick one up while we still have them in stock. And if you enjoy this episode, please follow us on Soundcloud or iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts – we’ve been away for a long time but now we’re back in the game, and I’d love to be able to deliver our future episodes to you as soon as they’re ready.

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