Greek food meets Greek gods in Taverna magazine

I love the lurid, oozing psychedelia on the cover of Taverna magazine‘s second issue, and it does a good job of setting the tone for a food magazine that goes well beyond the genre’s conventional limits. Weaving ancient Greek mythology through its stories, it creates a link with antiquity that feels totally unforced and natural – it’s clearly fascinated with its country’s history as well as the present, and it makes for an alluring editorial package.
Because as well as indulging in flights of mythological fancy, it also does the standard food magazine stuff really well, showing off big pictures of tasty looking food and giving readers a real sense of the atmosphere of the bars, restaurants and ‘tsipouros’ it visits. We have a few copies of Taverna available to buy from the Stack shop, so if you want to see this one for yourself, head over there to pick up your own slice of Greek culture and cuisine.