Sampler: The Lifted Brow 10th birthday issue
We sent The Lifted Brow out to Stack subscribers last year, and received warm feedback for its showcase of great new writing. The quarterly journal from Melbourne features essays, regular columns, comics, photography, fiction, poetry and more, and we’re really excited to be offering their 33rd — and 10th birthday — issue on Sampler.
Watch our video review of one of their previous issues, then scroll down to get an idea of the content in this one. If you like what you see, head over to Sampler to order a copy for 10% off and free shipping.
In this issue:
— Books columnist Ellena Savage has fallen head over heels in love, so she’s been reading lots of sad literature to try and balance herself out
— A conversation between Gomeroi writer Alison Whittaker and Californian poet Joshua Jennifer Espinoza
— Never-before-translated short story by Carlos Yushimito, the Peruvian-Japanese writer named one of Granta’s best young Spanish-language novelists
— Law School: Sex and relationships advice column by renowned Australian writer Benjamin Law and his mum Jenny
— Pieces from the two runners-up in TLB’s Prize for Experimental Non-fiction: ‘Drowning’ by Agri Ismaïl and ‘Militant Spring’ by Elena Gomez
— And A new short story by emerging American talent Colin Winnette

Photography by Alan Weedon
Sampler is the only place you can get free shipping for this magazine to the US, UK and Europe. But the offer finishes on Sunday, and we have a limited number of copies available, so don’t sleep on it!