Sampler: Zoetrope magazine

by Steve Watson in July 2015
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Zoetrope magazine was one of the first titles to join Stack way back in 2009, so I’m very pleased to bring it back for this week’s Sampler delivery.

Published in San Francisco by Francis Ford Coppola, it’s a literary magazine designed by a different guest art director each issue. Previous incumbents have included Zaha Hadid, Tom Waits and Gus Van Sant, and the magazine has featured writing by such luminaries as Woody Allen, Lena Dunham and David Lynch.

But Zoetrope is about much more than celebrity pulling power. Because the real genius of the magazine is the way the guest art directors are given the freedom to shape each issue as a single piece of literary art, presenting stories by big name stars alongside the work of first-time writers, and producing a totally enthralling read.

And it’s a bargain – you could have a copy of this magazine sent to your door for just £5.40 / €6.30 / $7.20 depending on where you live. But as ever, we only have 100 copies available on Sampler, so buy your copy now!

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