Sampler: Somesuch Stories #3

This week’s offer is literary magazine Somesuch Stories. With an interest in contemporary experiences, it is packed with funny, smart and completely enthralling writing on anything from technology to philosophy. 

As editor Suze Olbrich explains in the introduction, this third issue is themed on disorientation — head over to Sampler to see the story outlines, and order your copy for free shipping and 10% off.


In this issue:

Short Fiction
— The dreaded ‘loading’ icon that signals technological purgatory
— Waking up wearing a pair of inexplicable snow pants and a parka
— Sexual and familial relations are melded with moral codes and religiosity

— Matchmaking and leftover women in China
— Becoming a mother, and adjusting to being bound to a being you created
—  Mysticism and divinity, and how it rooted and freed Holocaust diarist Etty Hillesum

somesuch-stories-issue-3-yellow yawning-somesuch-stories-issue-3

As always, Sampler is our weekly offer that gets you new magazines for 10% off and free shipping to the US, UK, Europe, and heavily subsidised postage everywhere else. But hurry, because we only have limited copies available!

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