Sampler: The Point magazine #16
What do Lindsay Lohan and David Lynch have in common? Did the viral New Yorker short story, Cat Person, turn us all into bad readers? With a keen eye for cultural moments worth examining, The Point presents philosophical writing that urges readers to encounter different points of view.
Published out of Chicago, its editorial team includes doctoral students at the University of Chicago’s Committee on Social Thought. This is a literary magazine blending criticism with personal writing, and is perfect for inquisitive minds that don’t shy away from a dash of academic rigour. Head over to Sampler to take a look at this issue’s stories, and order your copy for 10% off and free shipping.

In this issue:
— Does anyone really need intellectuals? Seven essays explore
— Utopian literature and the future of #MeToo
— Book review of Suzy Hansen’s Notes on a Foreign Country: An American Abroad in a Post-American World
— Reports from the 2017 World Wrestling Championships in Paris
— And why Lindsay Lohan and the master of the American identity David Lynch are meant to be together

Sampler is the only place to get The Point for 10% off and free shipping to the US, UK and Europe, plus subsidised shipping everywhere else. But we have limited copies available, so don’t sleep on this!