Drift issue 4
Delivered to Stack subscribers in  Aug 2016

by Stine Fantoft Berg in August 2016
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Each issue of New York-based Drift magazine travels to a different city and gets to grips with the local coffee culture, offering a unique understanding of the place’s history and community.

Read on for our interview with editor-in-chief, Adam Goldberg…

Adam Goldberg

Job Title

What is Drift?
Drift is a magazine about coffee, the people who drink it, and the cities they inhabit.

Each issue highlights a different city. Coffee sits in the background of some of the most important moments in our lives: the first time we told new friends we’d like to get to know them better, a second date, a business meeting, a passion project completed, a time we caught up with long-lost loved ones after years apart.

Our collection of writers and photographers, alongside coffee shop owners, baristas, street cart vendors, and patrons, capture a glimpse of what it’s like to drink coffee in a city at the time the magazine is printed.

What makes it different from the rest?
There are a lot of fantastic magazines out there, but not many that focus on coffee. Each issue is ad-free and completely focuses on a single city. I think we’re unique in that sense.

Who makes it?
Drift is very much a team effort which consists of me, Daniela Velasco, and Elyssa Goldberg. We also have talented contributors working with us. John Surico, Alexandra Svokos, Bonjwing Lee, Hengtee Lim, and Angela Almeida, to name a few, have written and photographed for publications like the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and New Yorker, and most of the well-known food and coffee blogs. They’re also really cool people – we’re very lucky.

Who reads it?
Most of our readers are design-conscious creatives who like to drink coffee and want to learn more about it in a fun, engaging, and thoughtful way.

Why do you work in magazines?
I have a background in engineering, but always wanted to make something physical that I could pack in my suitcase and enjoy off the grid with a deep cup of brewed coffee. Frankly, a magazine fusing coffee and travel seemed like a good way to do that.

Aside from the print magazine, what else are you involved in?
We have a brand new print magazine called Ambrosia. We just started shipping our second issue, Volume 2: Denmark. Our first issue sold out. Ambrosia explores a region’s cuisine through stories, photo essays, and recipes from its great chefs.

What would you change about Drift if you could?
I’d love to print Drift more than twice a year, which is our current frequency. We’re a small team and travel to each city that we cover.

Where do you see Drift in five years?
One day at a time! By then we will be on Volume 14. Let’s get Volume 4: Stockholm to press first.

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