Little White Lies issue 45
Delivered to Stack subscribers in  Jan 2013

by sevfurneaux in January 2013
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The London-based Little White Lies is a bi-monthly film magazine that explores ‘the worlds of music, art, politics and pop culture to inform and illuminate the medium we love’.

David Jenkins

Job title

What is Little White Lies?
A bimonthly film magazine, a website, a social curation service.

What makes it different to the rest?

Each issue of the magazine is like a variation on a theme, with the “world” of the selected cover film influencing all aspects of the design and editorial. It is one of (the?) only film magazine that isn’t intended as either a channel for gossip, news and tittle-tattle, or a scholarly journal of record. The aim with each issue is to encapsulate the best of movies, and the tone is unabashedly affirmative.

Who makes Little White Lies?

The magazine is designed by TCOLondon Creative Director, Timba Smits, whose style draws on classic Americana from the ’50s and ’60s. On the editorial team is myself, deputy editor Adam Woodward and staff writer Sophie Monks Kaufman. The magazine would also not be possible without contributions from our huge network of the most exciting and diverse illustrators, artists and writers from across the globe.

Who reads it?

Movie lovers, magazine lovers, aesthetes (we hope).

Why did Little White Lies start?

Because, simply, there was a gap in the market. Founding fathers Matt Bochenski and Danny Miller forged the template in a Northern pub and the rest, as they say, was history…

Why do you work in magazines?
I love movies, and in this industry I get to build a gorgeous shrine to that passion every two months.

Aside from the print magazine, what else are you involved in?
Our website and social network are hugely important to the success and dissemination of the magazine. Magazine creation demands diversification, and so each issue of the magazine needs to have spin-off potential. So a gallery exhibition, a party, a screening series, an AV piece or anything we can do that might place the magazine on a higher pedestal. We never just throw the magazine out there and let it free-float.

What would you change about Little White Lies if you could?
I’d like to extend the creative team and make it monthly. I’d like the magazine to have great worldwide distribution and be translated into numerous languages. I’d like directors and movie stars to want to be on the cover of the magazine.

Can you pick a favourite issue of Little White Lies?
I have only edited three issues at time of writing, but I was very proud of our special 50th edition.

Where do you see Little White Lies in five years?
We’ll fight the good fight for print, and even as mass-digitisation takes over, we’ll still be giving people a reason to want to purchase, own and keep each issue we create.

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