VNA issue 16
Delivered to Stack subscribers in  Sep 2011

by Lucy Corkish in February 2014
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The world’s foremost magazine of street art, VNA takes a genuinely global perspective to profile the most interesting artists and the cities they help to define.

George Macdonald

Job title

What is VNA?
VNA is a quarterly street art publication thing. Basically documenting street art/graffiti/illustration/design from London and featuring artists and designers from across the world.

What makes it different to the rest?
VNA is not specific… It’s a street art magazine with a twist. It’s not a graffiti magazine but it features graffiti artists we admire and up and coming artists/designers/photgraphers that we as a team have kept our eyes on and want to share in printed media not just on the internizle.

Who makes VNA?
We have a crack team made up of designer/web/digital guy Ben, art director/deputy editor/ all round busy man Greg, designer/photographer/videographer Pete, writer/copywriter/socialiser Zang and myself editor/photographer/drunk. We also have all sorts of other writers, photographers and designers who help make it all work.

Who reads it?
Errrr… People interested in street art, graffiti, design, photography, contemporary art, illustration…

Why do you work in magazines?
I fell into it. In fact we all did… It started as a bit of fun. Now it’s a bit more serious but the amount of free booze we get out of it makes it all worthwhile.

Aside from the print magazine, what are you involved in?
I blog on our website when I’m not being pressured to do real work in my day job.

What would you change about VNA if you could?
Maybe the name… It’s kind of crap. I love it but I hate it. I know Greg would change the logo too. I don’t know… I would like it to be bigger and better but for now we are pretty happy with how it is.

Can you pick a favourite issue of VNA?
I can tell you the ones that aren’t my favourites! Nah… I love them all. I guess I really enjoyed issue eight. It was the first time me and Greg really got our teeth into it and picked the artists we both wanted in there. Kid Acne was on the cover and he was great and made it a pleasure. We packed more pages into it and I got the biggest buzz when I first saw the final printed mag.

Where do you see VNA in five years?
I think we will still be ticking along. It keeps getting bigger with every issue and with all the new interest in street art and “The Banksy effect”. Opportunities to do more interesting things with the cover and other collabs are fun. So I hope in five years we are still going strong and enjoying it.

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