Sampler: Kinfolk #26 — The Sport Issue
I remember reading one of the first issues of Kinfolk and feeling excited that this was a form a magazine could take. Pared-back and viscerally pleasurable to read, it languidly celebrated nothing more than a lifestyle of living slowly and contemplatively.
This Sport issue sees an interview with Black Swan choreographer Benjamin Millepied and a longform essay on walking by humour writer David Sedaris. But the leisurely pace remains, as pages are spent discussing the nuances of our daily lives (“What is ‘at play’ in our instinct to play?”) Click through to Sampler to see more of those lovely spreads, and order a copy for free shipping and 10% off.

In this issue:
— David Sedaris takes you on a 30,000-step walk
— Painting ‘happy little clouds’ with Bob Ross
— Olympic fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad
— Exploring the history of bad advice
— Interview with seminal choregrapher Benjamin Millepied
— Attend a lavish dinner party with journalist Lee Miller in 1930s Paris
— And inside the immersive world of Lakisha Kimberly Robinson

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