Sampler: Perdiz magazine, issue 8

by Grace Wang in April 2017
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Mental health Photography

From lively Barcelona, Perdiz is a magazine based on the contagiousness of happiness. But it doesn’t try to help readers find joy — it’s more interested in the simple things that make ordinary people happy and fulfilled in their lives.

We sent this one out to Stack subscribers in 2014, and we’re delighted to be offering it on Sampler this week. Their eighth issue, with this peachy, earthy cover, is filled with the type of odd human stories our favourite independent magazines are so good at telling. See some of the content below, and head over to Sampler to get your copy for 10% off and free shipping.


In this issue:

— A university professor who trains his own live flea circus
— From Redditch, UK, Kevin Beresford is a die-hard fan of traffic roundabouts
— A photo editorial by Carlota Guerrero exploring ecosexuality — a group of performance artists that make love to nature
— In a comic, Phil Campbell discovers that he shares his name with a city in Alabama
— And photographer Murray Ballard explores a community of those attempting to stave off death through science

Sampler lets you get newly launched magazines for 10% off and free shipping to the UK, US, and Europe. But we have limited number of copies available, so make sure you don’t miss out.

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