Sampler: Pet People magazine

by Stine Fantoft Berg in December 2015
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Last week’s Sampler offer was Hole & Corner, the magazine celebrating craft, passion and skill. This week we’re changing things up with a magazine that’s also brimming with passion, but in a much cuter package.

The Swedish magazine Pet People is a photo-led title dedicated to intimate stories about pets and their owners. Each issue explores a different city, and while the first one was set in Malmö, the team made their way to Berlin for issue two.

Among the 10 furry friends and their owners we meet Ninja the cat, who once fell out of the window; Bobby the bunny from Eindhoven; and cover star Ophelia the cat.

As always, with Sampler you get 10% off the cover price and free shipping to the UK, US and Europe (and subsidised everywhere else). If you’re a pet owner, an animal lover, or just an appreciator of cute/funny cat videos, this one is for you. Head over to the Sampler page to read more, or grab a copy while stocks last.

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