Sampler: Croco magazine #3
From the cover of Thrasher magazine to a local music label, Croco scours the expanse of contemporary culture to find outstanding individuals who are committed to their craft. This third issue shines with interviews, photography and essays that provide an eclectic snapshot of the creative landscape today.
Scroll down to see some spreads, and head over to Sampler to buy our copy for free shipping and 10% off.

In this issue:
— A musician and a label head explore gender within London’s independent music industry
— Illustrator Lucas Beaufort on producing a documentary about the future of print
— Dazed contributor Shelley Withington discusses self-validation and social media
— Joseph Wolfgang Ohlert speaks about his self-published photo-book Gender As A Spectrum
— Onra, the French music producer says his favourite sound is the swish of a basketball net

Sampler curates magazines and offers them for 10% off and free shipping to the US, UK and Europe — we also have subsidised shipping everywhere else, so click through to Croco’s page to see if it’s for you