Sampler: Justified magazine #5

by Grace Wang in April 2018
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Art & design Photography

Some of the most exciting photography today emerge through social media, and Justified magazine can be seen as an erudite exhibitor in this domain. Hosting week-long takeovers on their Instagram, they provide a place to discover some of today’s most distinctive photographers.

Their print magazine gleans from this, presenting a clean, elegant curation of works and interviews with exciting, often overlooked talent. Order your copy from Sampler for £7.20 with free shipping to the US, UK and Europe, and heavily subsidised shipping everywhere else. 


In this issue:

— Sengal’s salt lakes by Ilyes Griyeb  (cover)
— A conversation with Daniel Everett on making sense of the world
— Finding comfort with Sean Lemoine
— Delaney Allen shoots the great American outdoors
— And much more

daniel-everett-justified-magazine delaney-allen-justified-magazine

Sampler is the only place to order Justified Magazine’s new issue for 10% off and free shipping to the US, UK and Europe. But we have limited copies available, so don’t sleep on this!

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