Stack Awards 2018: Best Use of Photography

by Grace Wang in November 2018
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Searching for the most arresting photography, this category at the Stack Awards sees a wide range of independent magazines shortlisted. From fashion to travel, here are 15 titles with outstanding camera work. Clare Grafik, head of exhibitions at The Photographer’s Gallery, and Ben Hillwood-Harris, owner of London’s Artwords bookshops, will put their heads together to judge this category.

Archivio | Turin

Using materials sourced from government, personal and regional archives around the world, Archivio tells interesting and forgotten stories of years gone by.


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THE CRIME AND POWER ISSUE #archiviomagazine #hiddenmemories #crime #power #magazine #archives

A post shared by ARCHIVIO (@archivio_mag) on Jun 11, 2018 at 2:02am PDT

Baron | London

Baron magazine sits in the space between pornography and art. This issue is photographed entirely by London-based artist Harley Weir.


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Baron 5 by Harley Weir is finally here and ready to pre-order. For the fifth edition of Baron, Harley Weir takes us on a visual essay exploring the female body through biological conditions such as reproduction and birth, and how these are mediated in a patriarchal, capitalist society. The title of the book, #Function begs the question what do our bodies do. Each part holds several, often conflicting, functions. The book contains a body of new work and never before published fashion and documentary photography. The fifth instalment of Baron also introduces the art director @reidjamie and contributing fashion editor @camillebwaddington. It contains texts by Dazed & Confused editor @isabellaburley , Page 3 photographer Alison Webster, and performance artist @jasonwolfman ; all responding to Weir’s work by exploring themes such as Mother Hate, Female Image and the Function of sexiness. The book also contains Weir’s limited edition campaign for #helmutlang which opens and closes the issue and will appear only in #baronmagazine all pre-orders are signed by Weir and the book is available in a limited edition of 750 copies – #harleyweir @harleyweir

A post shared by Baron (@baron_magazine) on Dec 21, 2017 at 9:37am PST

Brownie | Shanghai

The photography-themed but storytelling-focused Brownie is a thick volume dedicated to documenting the poetry of everyday life.

Carrete | Barcelona

Carrete is Spain’s first printed magazine dedicated entirely to film photography.


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Carrete vol.2 ya está disponible en @la.imprevista de Girona. Si os pilla lejos recordad que también podéis comprarla en nuestra página web, link en la bio #todaviadisparoenanalogico #disparaencarrete #carretezine

A post shared by Carrete (@carretezine) on Mar 16, 2018 at 4:31am PDT

Cartography | Milan

Travelling to three destinations for each issue, Cartography is a large-format magazine that mixes reportage, travel, portrait and still life photography to convey the spirit of a place.


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In stock!! Happy reading, folks! #read #magazine #travel #culture #journey #adventure #dreamlike #hope #future #cartographymagazine #madeinitaly #cover #photography #exploration #open #publishing #handbook #independent #makeawish

A post shared by Cartography Magazine (@bycartography) on Mar 7, 2018 at 2:17am PST

Der Greif | Augsburg

Der Greif is all about contrasts – by juxtaposing images it creates associations and allows narratives to emerge across its pages. This time the strange and beautiful photography was selected by artist Jason Fulford and inspired by Mary Shelley’s 19th-century novel Frankenstein.


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After 10 years and 10 print issues, Der Greif has decided to explore new territories and to change its appearance.  We changed the new issue’s format and layout, in order to break from our habits, routines and history and to stay true to our goal of being able to constantly evolve and adapt to modes of presentation that are timely. Edited by Jason Fulford (@mushroom_collector), Cover by Ioana Bogdan (@aliteratia). – Pre-order at a special-price at Many thanks to all participating artists and photographers who make Der Greif a truly collaborative endeavor.

A post shared by Der Greif (@der_greif) on Jun 15, 2018 at 3:13am PDT

Fare magazine | Glasgow

Each issue of Fare delves deep into a city’s food, culture and history, taking readers on a trip through impeccable photography and affecting storytelling.


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@stackmagazines have just posted a really nice interview with our editor, @benmervis, featuring some insight into the production of our Charleston issue, including the best dive bar burger and beer in town! Check out to read more #faremagazine #printisnotdead #indiemagazines #visitchs #chseats

A post shared by Fare Magazine (@faremag) on Jul 26, 2018 at 8:50am PDT

Gather Journal | New York

Merging art with food, Gather Journal produces impossibly elegant, imaginative and provocative photographs of the stuff we put in our mouths.


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Some eye candy from the 2 issues (Senses and Heroines) that earned Gather 4 Golds and 1 Silver medal (including Best Independent and Member’s Choice) at the 53rd annual SPD Awards last Friday! Feeling humbled and honored and, as always, hugely indebted to all our incredible contributors. #allthefeels #spds

A post shared by Gather Journal (@gatherjournal) on May 8, 2018 at 9:41am PDT

Justified | London

Sourcing from social media, the editors of Justified use their discerning eye to pick out beautiful and unique works by established and emerging photographers.


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We present to you Justified No.5 (available now, link bio), here our project of curation has continued. In the pages of this issue, we have caught up with Ilyes Griyeb (who has taken the cover spot), Daniel Everett, Delaney Allen, Cecilia Poupon, Gilleam Trapenberg, Jess Gough and Sean Lemoine. The stories told from each artist have kept us inspired and seem to have reflected a very interesting year. We are again proudly distributed by @antennebooks , where you will be able to find a copy at your favorite bookstore and beautifully printed by @kopaprinting , We hope you enjoy this chapter of Justified, that lives forever in print.

A post shared by Justified (@justifiedmagazine) on Apr 13, 2018 at 3:15am PDT

Ladybeard | London

Ladybeard takes the format of women’s glossies and subverts the content. The photography in issue three can be characterised by their daring openness and intimacy.


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Our covers have landed. The Beauty Issue is now available for PRE-ORDER. Both covers by the unshakable @antongottlob. Out 28 April. Come celebrate with us – link in bio.

A post shared by Ladybeard Magazine (@ladybeardmag) on Apr 16, 2018 at 4:00am PDT

Petrie | London

Addressing issues to do with poverty, human rights violations and racism head on, Petrie is a fashion and photography magazine that knows its purpose.


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GOING, GOING GONE? @PETRIeInventory COVER REVEAL #2 @ArvidaBystrom in @VivienneWestwood Photographer @LauraMarieCieplik Fashion @SamiaGiobellina Hair @CarolDouard MakeUp @Hugo_Villard Special thanks to @KOPAPrinting #PETRIe69 #Extinction #PETRIe5thAnniversaryIssue #VivienneWestwood

A post shared by PETRIe (@petrieinventory) on Sep 30, 2018 at 9:24am PDT

Record | Melbourne

Record magazine pairs long form interviews with ample and unpretentious photography to show you the homes, studios and neighbourhoods of interesting musicians. Lingering on seemingly mundane details of their everyday lives, it lets you in on their record collections, music equipment, and strange obsessions.


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Issue 4 is now available for pre-order. Shipping worldwide early January 2018. Cover shot of Kim Ann Foxman by Nathan Perkel. Featuring Kim Ann Foxman, Suso Sáiz, Joe Goddard, Alexis Le-Tan, Jonnine Standish, Keith Haring Party Invites, Ron Morelli, Andee Frost, Paramida, Eddie Ruscha, Phil Mison, Justin Van Der Volgen and Ruggero Pietromarchi. #recordmagazine #kimannfoxman @kimannfoxman @nathanperkel

A post shared by Record Culture Magazine (@record_magazine) on Dec 21, 2017 at 1:56pm PST

Rouge Fashionbook | Shanghai

It calls itself China’s first high-end independent fashion and art magazine, and Rouge Fashionbook is a hefty thing to be reckoned with. Two thick volumes of fine art and inventive fashion photography sandwich each other to form a thought-provoking read on Facebook bots, political division, and the role of the media.


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ROUGE FASHIONBOOK | Issue 3 The Significant Others Male cover Model by @jaeseungk1m & Min Shin wearing @maisonmargiela Photo by @constantin.schlachter Style by @jonathan_huguet Hair by @mr_alexandrycosta Make up by @williambartelmakeup Casting by @legainsbourg

A post shared by ROUGE FASHIONBOOK (@rougefashionbook) on Aug 31, 2018 at 5:42am PDT

Suitcase | London

Travel magazine Suitcase has sigh-inducing photography from the world’s most beautiful landscapes, coastlines, hotels and deserts.


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Weekend plans: Cooling off with stories of surfing Iceland’s frozen seas and drinking ice cold wine in New Zealand’s abundant vineyards in #SUITCASE23 Order your copy via the link in our bio

A post shared by SUITCASE Magazine (@suitcase) on Jun 30, 2018 at 1:23am PDT

Unseen | Amsterdam
Focusing exclusively on what’s new in the photography world, Unseen provides a channel for up-and-coming talent to showcase their work.

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