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  • 64 pages 
  • 24cm x 16.5cm 
  • Published in London, 2017 

Funhouse is a literary magazine obsessed with bodies. Each issue takes a fresh approach to the human form and explores it through new writing, illustrations and comics. Their first issue looked at sweating, humping, and twisted bodies, while the second zoomed in on mole removals and body transformations.


This third issue was released in summer 2017 and it promises to make you no less queasy. Looking at the ways in which bodies exist in physical spaces, it has stories of late night hunger compulsions, bodybuilding, and of course, cannibalism. Time for some uncanny reading…


In this issue:


  • Susie Dickey’s poems explore the relationship between a cannibal and a man doll in lurid detail
  • Bridget M’s comic is about dating woes, a shy barista and getting ‘swole’
  • Sophie Mackintosh writes about her year of the body, and late night hunger and compulsion
  • Yvonne Conza’s heartbreaking essay deals with the suicide of her brother and the poetry of Anne Carson
  • Tobias Carroll explores ideas of ambient spaces, of memory and returning to places in the United States
  • And Bud Smith’s RIP is a story of moving house and ending up with the wrong furniture. Like a wild Raymond Carver, the story delves into living other lives, the things we own, and the places we call home


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