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  • 64 pages 
  • 30cm x 21cm 
  • Published in Paris, 2017 

The Funambulist examines the politics of spaces and bodies. Editor Léopold Lambert comes from an architecture background, and the magazine explores a range of topics spanning design, history, the law and human rights.


Themed Toxic Atmospheres, this issue was published at the end of 2017 and it devotes itself to dissecting various colonial, imperial, and capitalist environments around the world, addressing communities like the Rohingya people in Myanmar and LGBT activists in Thailand.


In this issue:


  • An overview of Thailand’s approach to LGBT rights, and the institutional and activist struggles in the country today
  • Rohingya writer Imran Mohammad describes the genocide of Rohingyans living in Myanmar, as well as his living conditions in a detention centre in Papua New Guinea
  • The colonial gas machine: teargas grenades as a reflection of broader colonial power relations that keep intoxicating racialised lives in various parts of the world
  • The colonial history of French nuclear tests in the Algerian Sahara, and their toxic aftermath for the surrounding environment from Spain to the Congo
  • And in an interview, Christina Sharpe talks about her call for the creation of Black microclimates to combat toxic, anti-black atmospheres
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