Football reflects on America in Spiral magazine

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by Steve Watson in May 2021
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Shawn Ghassemitari is editor-in-chief and creative director of Spiral, the magazine that takes a creative look at American football. I was really interested to hear about his reasons for making the magazine – his parents immigrated to the US from Iran in 1978 and he speaks about the sport as a way of assimilating into American culture, and also as a way of reflecting all elements of that culture, both good and bad.

I mention this in the conversation, but I really don’t know anything about American football, and I really enjoyed Spiral as a way of opening the sport up to me. This is clearly a labour of love and that definitely comes through in the object itself, so if Shawn’s stories make you want to buy one for yourself, head over to our shop page to pick one up while stock lasts.

I’m going to be away for the next couple of weeks so we won’t have a new episode next week or the week after, and we’ll be moving into a new office in the middle of June so I might not manage to put up our next episode for a little while. But in the meantime we’ve got loads of conversations with independent magazine makers sitting in our archive, so take a look on Soundcloud or search for Stack Magazines wherever you get your podcasts and you should be able to scroll your way through those. And of course if you follow us while you’re there we’ll be able to keep on delivering our new episodes to you as soon as they’re ready.

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