Sampler: Lodestars Anthology
There’s a new breed of thoughtful and intimate travel magazines, and Lodestars Anthology is one of the titles propelling this movement forward. These publications don’t care about the Michelin-star restaurants, or the most renowned hotels — they want to offer a leisurely escape through the lesser-known corners of the world.
For their Japan issue, Lodestars Anthology looks at the archipelago rich with fraught history and abundant with curious creativity. Have a look at the content and spreads below, and if you like what you see, head over to Sampler to order yourself a copy.

In this issue:
— Wabi-Sabi City: a place of Geisha and gardens, the ancient capital of Kyoto captures all that is beautiful about Japan’s complicated past
— Japanese botanical sculptor Azuma Makoto talks about his floral artistry, and co-founding Jardins des Fleurs
— Getting to the heart of Japanese flavours with Maori Murota, chef and author of Tokyo Cult Recipes
— Writer Cameron Zeyd Lange hikes up Mount Asahi-dake, the highest point of Hokkaido
— And discovering the warmth of Okinawa, a place where symbolism abounds and nothing is without purpose

With Sampler, you get 10% off the cover price and free shipping to the US, UK, and Europe. But we have a limited number of copies for sale, so get in quick!