12 days of Stack: Caption contest!

by Grace Wang in December 2017
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Thanks to those that voted yesterday, Der Greif came out on top as the weirdest magazine cover of 2017. Now, we need your help to caption it, and the best response will take home a year’s worth of magazines from Stack. The best comment yesterday was from Leoni (@butttermilch) so a subscription is going their way.

Once again, we’re looking for the weirdest/funniest/most heartfelt response, so get involved by commenting on Instagram or Facebook. Voting closes midnight GMT, and we’ll announce the winner in Monday’s blog post. After today, we have nine more 12-month Stack subscriptions to give out, so keep posted on our blog and social channels to win it for yourself or a friend.

poise and control are where it's at for @der_greif's 10th anniversary issue, the German photography title renowned for the relationship it creates between images. Peep inside it with our video review! (Link in bio) Cover by @johnmgribben

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Got your winning caption? Show us your best by commenting on Instagram or Facebook, and we’ll pick a winner in tomorrow’s blog post.

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