12 days of Stack: Most inspiring magazines of 2017

by Grace Wang in December 2017
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Yesterday, Rowan won her friend a 12-month Stack subscription for her nice comment:

Today, we’re looking back on the year and telling you about the most inspiring magazines we’ve come across. Have a look at our selection and let us know on Instagram the magazine that inspired you the most in 2017 — the best answer will take home a year-long subscription to Stack.

Vicky, subscriptions manager
One magazine that struck a chord with me this year was Sabat, the Crone Issue. Editor Elisabeth Krohn and art director Cleber de Campos have created a publication that speaks about witchcraft and womanhood without falling into typical traps, and the art direction is as intrinsically ‘magical’ as the content – the choice of paper stocks, invisible embossing and hidden details make you feel like you are discovering the magazine as you read it.

✨We only have a few copies left of the Maiden Issue!✨ Copies ship tomorrow Monday ✨ Image by @staceykmachin #witchcraft #witch #witchesofinstagram #magic

A post shared by SABAT MAGAZINE (@sabatmagazine) on

Steve, founder and director
Good Trouble. This is one that arrived with us via the Stack Awards – I’d never heard of it before, but I loved its rallying call for “good trouble, necessary trouble”. Published from New York and art directed by none other than Richard Turley, it’s a brilliantly inventive magazine of protest that mixes its serious message with a not so serious tone.

Lucy, producer/Stack Awards manager
I really enjoyed the Huck Magazine’s Documentary Photo Special. It was great to see a group of individuals that are breaking the conventions of documentary photography brought together through print, and it definitely made me think more about the different approaches to storytelling.

Fresh from @huckmagazine's brilliant issue launch last night, this one celebrates the rule breakers in documentary photography. Cover by S.J. 'Kitty' Moodley, an unknown photographer from apartheid South Africa, discovered by sociologist Steven Dubin

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Grace, editor
The magazine I kept re-reading this year was Filmme Fatales, the feminist magazine exploring film from a smart, funny and nuanced perspective. Sadly they went on a hiatus after releasing issue eight in May (you can still get copies from their site) but this is without a doubt a crucially under-explored niche, so I’m hoping that they will come out of retirement, or that another publication with fill its space in 2019.

What was this year’s most inspiring magazine for you? Let us know on Instagram and we’ll announce the winner tomorrow.

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