12 days of Stack: Which is the weirdest cover?

by Grace Wang in December 2017
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Yesterday we had you vote for your favourite cover out of the most-liked posts on the Stack Instagram this year. Kajet magazine’s cover came out on top, and the winning comment was from Eve — congratulations! You’ve got yourself a year of magazines from Stack.

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But we have another year-long Stack subscription to give out today, and now we need your help to vote for the weirdest cover of the year. Scroll down to see our picks, and reply on Twitter or comment on Facebook for your choice of the oddest — we’re looking for the funniest and weirdest response (shout out to the haiku we received yesterday) so don’t be afraid to show your strangest self. Voting will close at midnight GMT, with the winner announced in the next day’s blog post.

After today, we have 10 more 12-month Stack subscriptions to give out, so keep posted on our blog and social channels to win it for yourself or a friend.

poise and control are where it's at for @der_greif's 10th anniversary issue, the German photography title renowned for the relationship it creates between images. Peep inside it with our video review! (Link in bio) Cover by @johnmgribben

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Hairy! Issue 0 of @virtuogenix mixes fine art and fashion, with some pretty bizarre results. Our shot really doesn't do it justice – this is one BIG glossy #magazine, with cover photography by creative director @miuvermillion

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Fresh out of Riga, the new issue of @benjiknewman provides another strange slice of life you can read, including this yogic typing technique.

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An artist-run magazine showcasing experimental and progressive contemporary art, @artmazemag leads with this pleasingly weird cover by Mark Posey for its fifth issue

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Yeah, it's a wolf with a handbag. No big deal. This issue of @zoetrope_mag is shortlisted in our awards for Best Original Fiction, but the cover by @creativegrowth studio for artists with disabilities is pretty amazing too.

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Have your decision? Tell us your choice for the weirdest cover by commenting on Facebook or replying on Twitter, and go into the draw to win a year-long Stack subscription!

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