Cover countdown 2015: December

by Stine Fantoft Berg in December 2015
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This is it – the end of the year, both IRL and in our 2015 Cover Countdown. Yesterday’s vote was obliterated by the social media might of Shellsuit Zombie, who spurred their followers into action and won a resounding victory. Good work zombies – I’m looking forward to seeing you back in tomorrow’s final vote to decide the cover of the year.

And special mention needs to go to Christina Button, whose After Effects magic set Shellsuit Zombie’s melting / swirling / oozing type into motion…

A free Stack subscription is yours Christina – I’ll be in touch shortly to get your address details.

But first, there’s just one more month’s vote to go – take a look at the three covers below and decide which one is your favourite. Tweet it at us before midnight tonight and you could win that year’s subscription (so far we’ve had poetry, gifs, heartfelt feeling and straight up wit, so choose your weapon and make it memorable). Good luck!

Fresh air and creativity: issue two of French / English outdoors magazine @lesothers has a beautifully frosty winter feeling

A photo posted by Steven Watson (@stackmagazines) on

An entire issue dedicated to forgotten ideas worth a second look (like the inflatable tanks created by the U.S. army during the Second World War) the latest @worksthatwork is completely fascinating and well worth a read

A photo posted by Steven Watson (@stackmagazines) on

A new look for @anewtypeofimprint – look closely and you should just about see the debossed rectangle framing the centre of the page. Beautiful minimalist stuff.

A photo posted by Steven Watson (@stackmagazines) on

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