Cover countdown 2015: July

by Stine Fantoft Berg in December 2015
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Yesterday, Intern magazine mobilised all their forces and made sure it’s their cover we’ll be seeing again in the grand finale on 23 December. The competition took an unexpected turn when voters started reinterpreting the cover using emojis:

We need to credit alemão uc for initiating the concept, and Caitlin Howard for taking it a step further. But in the end, after a long and heated debate, we settled on Adam Says’ message as the winning vote because of the extra effort and (almost) perfect positioning of the hand. Congrats Adam!

Now, we’ve reached mid-summer in our countdown, which explains why today’s covers are all warm hues, watermelons and beach fun. You know the drill; choose your favourite and let us know by tweeting at us, and you could win a year’s subscription to Stack. Votes close at midnight and we’ll announce the winners tomorrow around noon. Happy voting!

What is post-Internet art? @elephantmagazine asks a simple question and gives a series of complex answers in this fascinating issue. Check the Stack blog today for our behind the scenes interview with editor-in-chief Marc Valli to read his take on print publishing in a post-Internet world…

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Okay, I admit it, I’m a bit of a sucker for @rapha gear. But by anyone’s standards their first issue of Mondial is a great piece of work. Take a look inside that lovely pink cover with our full video review on the Stack blog this morning…

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Another of the new independent magazines dedicated to family life, @wildlingmagazine preaches the importance of freedom, adventure and wild times for children.

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