Shelf love

by Steve Watson in April 2014
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Thanks very much to everyone who tweeted, Instagrammed, emailed and Facebooked their shelfies over the last day and a bit. The response has been overwhelming, and I’m very pleased to announce that our winner is Annemieke Koster from the Netherlands. See below for her winning entry plus a few other favourites.

The competition is over, but the shelfies keep coming in, so if you want to share a picture of your magazines at home, please do send it to @stackmagazines on Twitter or Instagram and I’ll add it to the Pinterest board.

From the ultra minimalist to the gloriously cluttered, it’s been fascinating to see how people keep their magazines in the real world. (And in the more carefully staged world.)

Regardless of the aesthetics, everyone involved was saying something very personal about themselves with the pictures they posted, which is why I find these snapshots so interesting, and why I’d love to see more. So take a look at the pictures below, get inspired, and join the club!

Our winner
Annemieke definitely scored extra points by including a real Easter chick in her picture, but she mainly won me over because I love the idea of sitting down to read in this room. Easily the most inviting reading space we saw out of all the entries.

Empire magazine
A fine selection of magazines, topped off by a phalanx of stormtroopers.

Shelfie portrait
These magazines appear to be strapped to the floor, despite being watched over by a mini-Mona Lisa.

Uncomfortable cat
Because you can’t have an online photo competition without including at least one cat.

Inside the archive
Ever wondered what the shelves at magCulture look like? Well now you know – Jeremy’s collection is too massive for a mere Instagram image.

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