Stack at home: Zoetrope (and The Gourmand), November 2017

by Grace Wang in December 2017
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Last month, Stack subscribers received Zoetrope: All-story, the award-winning literary magazine founded by Francis Ford Coppola. It features essays on film and short fiction, which the editors believe to be the art form most creatively aligned with screenplays. We also collaborated with Google to celebrate the launch of the Pixel phone, and sent out The Gourmand’s 10th issue.

We ask subscribers to send in their feedback every month, and they’re all pinned on a Pinterest board. But scroll down to read some of our highlights and see the best response, which takes home a money-can’t buy Stack t-shirt.

6. Laid back
Laura seems to be having a nice, relaxing afternoon with her stories in Zoetrope.

5. Aubergine and pineapples
Elsewhere, a subscriber receives their emoji-clad The Gourmand, a bonus magazine we sent out in collaboration with Google this month.

Thank you @stackmagazines for the extra publication this month! Loving the emojis IRL cover ☕️ . . . #magazine #publication #stackmagazine #vsco #vscocam #thegourmand #stack #stackmagazine #design #creative #designstudio #photography

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4. “Delicious”
Praises for the food and culture journal’s photography…

new magazine at #seconddesk from @thegourmand via @stackmagazines ❤️ delicious for those in love with food culture and photography… #coworking #coworkingmechelen #artenovamechelen #stackmagazines

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3. Trippy envelope
Taking inspiration from their Pixel phone, our regular Stack envelop came with a custom graphic that moved around when you put the bookmark over it. See it in action…

V cool @pixelgoogle @thegourmand @stackmagazines

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2. Hey postman!
A magazine delivery on a rainy day — so much better than ubereats.

A rainy Monday was cheered by our postman, who brought us @gracealtonillustration’s lovely illos plus a copy of the revived @zoetrope_mag from @stackmagazines. Thanks to both! #designinspiration #designmatters #welovesnailmail #weeklypostbag

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1. Reading corner
Katherine is our winner this month! Thanks for sharing your experience of Stack with us.

having a cosy few moments with this month’s magazines (zoetrope courtesy of this month’s @stackmagazines subscription )

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