Join the Stack Student Union

by Steve Watson in August 2014
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Congratulations to all those students in the UK who picked up their A-level results yesterday and found out where they’ll be spending the next three years.

If you’re heading off to a study a subject related to magazine publishing there’s a good chance you’ll soon be hearing more about the Stack Student Union – we now have journalism, graphic design and other related courses signed up at 25 universities and colleges across the country (see below).

And if you’re going somewhere that’s not on our list, you can still join up. The Stack Student Union will keep on expanding all this year, so just drop me a line and we’ll add you to the Google+ group and figure out a way to get a free Stack subscription sent to your lecturer / course leader.

The Stack Student Union – founding institutions
Bournemouth – Visual Communication
Cardiff – Magazine Journalism
City – Magazine Journalism
Derby – Graphic Design
Exeter College – Magazine Journalism
Goldsmiths – Journalism
Huddersfield – Journalism
Kingston – Journalism and Publishing
Leeds College of Art – Graphic Design
Leeds Metropolitan – Journalism
Liverpool John Moores – Graphic Design and Illustration
Manchester Metropolitan – Graphic Design
Middlesex – Graphic Design
Nottingham Trent – Fashion Marketing and Communication
Ravensbourne – Graphic Design
Reading – Typography and Graphic Communication
Salford – Communication Design and Graphic Design
Sheffield Hallam – Graphic Design
Southampton Solent – Features Journalism
St Mark and St John – Sports Journalism
UCLAN – Journalism
University Campus Suffolk – Graphic Design
University of the West of England – Graphic Design
Westminster Journalism and Graphic Design

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