Stack in the wild: February’s top 10 pictures

by Steve Watson in February 2014
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It’s that time again. Time to go inside your homes, offices and strange, dark places to pull out this month’s top 10 pictures of Stack in the wild.

I love seeing the magazines arriving and reading people’s first responses to them, so please keep on tweeting and Instagramming your pictures. The March delivery is going to be a real beauty, so it should be particularly photogenic.

And don’t forget the props. As you can see from Faye’s winning picture, a bit of dressing goes a long way. Congratulations to Faye by the way, who wins a highly desirable Stack t-shirt for her efforts.

10. Bedtime reading
A floral duvet kicks off the top 10 with a bit of domestic comfort.

09. Sunday evening
What better way to end the weekend than with some quality reading time?

08. Weird green fuzz
I have no idea what this magazine is resting on, but it looks incredibly comfortable.

07. Classic
Clean, elegant, simple, this picture is all about the magazine. #awesome indeed.

06. Portmanteau!
Another cosy setting, but this time accompanied by a bit of word coinage. Because the English language needs a word to describe the anticipation of the day your magazine arrives.

05. Propped up
Getting to the business end of things now, with the first deliberate use of props. Headphones? Pen? Wes Anderson? This picture is screaming arty entertainment.

04. Damn fine magazine
Loving the Twin Peaks feel of this picture, with its dark reds and extreme close-up.

03. Inside job
A rare look inside the magazine from Ruth, along with a glimpse of her mug. Nice work.

02. So close…
There’s so much to love about this picture. The way the envelope has been opened from the bottom. The way the big green leaves of the pot plant are creeping into view. It was almost the one…

01. Giant cat
But top spot has to go to this enormous cat, which literally dwarfs VNA next to it. Good work Faye – a Stack t-shirt will be on its way to you very shortly.

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