Take the Stack survey

by Steve Watson in July 2014
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There’s lots going on at Stack at the moment, all of it intended to help subscribers find and enjoy more excellent independent magazines. And this is your opportunity to tell us how we’re doing.

We’ve created a short survey and we’re asking all Stack subscribers to take two minutes to fill it in (it really is that quick). The responses will help us understand how people actually use the service, and will direct the changes and additions we’re planning to make in the coming months.

Of course it will all remain confidential and we won’t even ask for your name. But if you do want to leave your email address at the end we’ll enter you into the draw to win some choice Stack merchandise, plus a year’s free subscription to give to a friend.

Thanks, as always, for being part of Stack, and I hope you’ll help us to make it even better!

Take the Stack survey

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