Top five pictures of Boat magazine

by Steve Watson in October 2014
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September’s Stack delivery was the very beautiful Boat magazine, and subscribers all over the world have been snapping pictures of their copies out and about. As ever, you can see all the ones we found on Pinterest, but the following represents our favourite five images of the month.

05. Block Party
Magazine guru Bob Newman got involved this month, proving that construction materials and print make for a heady combination. Lovely stuff.

04. Magazines That Matter
The subscription card we sent out to UK and European subscribers becomes the star of the show in this shot, playing nicely with Boat’s cover and the Stack envelope. Remember to pass those cards on – we need your help to spread the word of independent magazines!

03. Domestic Bliss
I’m a sucker for a domestic shot, and this one takes the biscuit. I want to be there, in that chair, with that drink by my side. Not sure the nail polish would suit me though.

02. Gratuitous Type
Great punning headline, lovely type treatment, all being enjoyed on the bus home. This is what Stack is all about.

01. Travel Magazine
But congratulations go to Campbell Addy for this lovely shot of Boat, framed by the train tracks. Good work Addy – drop us a line to let us know what size you take and your free Stack t-shirt will be on its way.

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