Podcast: Peter Lundgren, T-Post magazine

by Steve Watson in March 2017
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Fashion & style Weird

One of my favourite presentations at last week’s EDCH conference was by Peter Lundgren, the founder and editor of T-Post. Based up in Umeå in northern Sweden, Peter has been publishing his magazine / t-shirt hybrid for the last 13 years, and he took the audience on a tour of the project from its earliest days, through the highs and lows, all the way up to the new sustainability initiative he’s due to launch this summer.

It was funny and fascinating and demonstrated just how much the process of selling subscriptions has changed since he started (spoiler alert: Facebook has simultaneously been a massive help and a complete nightmare). In fact I enjoyed it all so much that I grabbed him the following day and sat down to record an interview with him.

Listen to the episode below to hear a short version of the T-Post story so far, how Facebook has changed marketing for better and for worse, and why he loves a good subscription business. If you enjoy this one you can head over to Soundcloud or iTunes to hear more conversations with independent magazine makers, and if you really like it, rate us in iTunes, follow us and send supportive messages. I love to hear from listeners!

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