Podcast: Rabbits Road Press

by Steve Watson in January 2017
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All around the world today, people are joining women-led marches in solidarity with fundamental rights for diverse communities, so it feels like a particularly fitting time to be releasing this week’s podcast featuring Sofia Niazi, Rose Nordin and Heiba Lamara from Rabbits Road Press.

Rabbits Road is their latest project, a new community risograph print studio and small press based in an old library in East London, but I know them as the founders of OOMK, the feminist magazine that has made a name for itself by promoting voices that traditionally struggle to make themselves heard. They’re working on the new issue of OOMK right now, but as you’ll hear from the podcast below, they’re also promoting an exciting programme of activities that will see them working alongside people from the local community to create a whole new collection of publications and one-off pieces of print.

I’ve been a big fan of their work for a long time, and it’s fantastic to see them in a space of their own now, using print to engage even more people with their open and inclusive view of the world. If you’d like to find out more about their work, head over for one of their open access studios on Tuesday afternoons, or drop them a line for more information about the workshops they’re providing for groups.

And of course if you enjoy this week’s podcast don’t forget to follow us on Soundcloud or iTunes and next week’s episode will be delivered direct to your device as soon as it’s ready.

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