Magazine inspiration – live

by Steve Watson in April 2023
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The last event in our 2022/23 series of magazine talks was held on Tuesday 4th April at The Book Club in Shoreditch, with magazine makers coming together to speak about the ideas and motivations behind their work. Isabelle Woods and Hannah Bucklow are the editors of Motor, the dance journal that provides a lasting, printed home for the fleeting act of dancing. And Josh Jones is the editor of Huck, Sandwich, Marvin, and many other magazines.

As I say at the start of the video below, I met Josh quite soon after I started Stack 14 years ago, and he already had a load of magazines under his belt. It was brilliant to see the contrast between Isabelle and Hannah, who talked through their early experiences of publishing their first magazine, compared to Josh, who presented a collection of his thoughts from nearly 20 years of editing independents. I hope the video will help provide inspiration and encouragement for many more independent magazine projects to come…

I’m starting to pull ideas together now for our next series of events, which will run from this Autumn through to next Spring, so watch out for news on that as we pin down dates and themes. And I’d like to say thanks again to our supporters for this series – Fourth Estate Creative were there at all the talks, filming and editing the videos for us. And Park Communications have supported our events for many years now, and we’re very grateful for their help along the way.


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